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Church Directory Instructions

FBC Member Access to the Church Directory

Use the ChurchLife App (Mobile)
Access ACS (Desktop)

I. Don't have a Church Directory Login?

  1. Look for “Need a login?” link under the dialog box and click the "Click here" link to create a username and password for the Church Directory.

  2. Check your email program for an email message from Access ACS and follow instructions to setup account.

II. Church Directory via Desktop

  1. Sign in here to access the Church Directory. Complete the required fields and click the Sign In button.

  2. Note: If you forgot your username or password, you can change it on this screen as well. Look for “Forgot your password or user name ?” links inside the dialog box.

III. Church Directory via Mobile Device

  1. Download ChurchLife app onto your device.

  2. Login with the username and password created in step I above.

  3. Click here for Church Life information and tutorial videos.

IV. Questions about or trouble accessing the Church Directory?

  1. If you have any questions or if your email address is not recognized, please email the church office for assistance at