Tithes and Offerings @ PFBC
Thank You for your faithful giving! Every dollar you give helps us fulfill the vision for our church and our community. Your generosity enables us to continue our mission of leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
We want to remind you that in addition to giving by cash or check, you can participate in the ministry of PFBC through our text and online giving platform. You can give instantly, at home, at church, or on the go. You can give using your credit card or debit card. Or, even more of your money can be put to work if you set up your bank account through our giving platform, rather than using a credit or debit card. And you can even set it up so that a specified amount is given automatically at an interval you specify (for example, weekly or monthly).
* Our giving platform is safe and maintains the same level of security as banks.
You can give several different ways:
Text: Text 'give' to 256-643-2111 to try it out!
Online: Go directly to our e-giving page .
Check or cash: For your convenience, tithe and offering envelopes are available for check (payable to First Baptist Church) or cash donations . Place in the offering plate during the worship service or mail checks at any time to:
Piedmont First Baptist Church
105 North Main Street
Piedmont, AL 36272
Please feel free to call the church office at (256)447-9496 if you have questions.